Article - 14

Dr Zik from Jhelum Pakistan
3 min readAug 3, 2021

Part- 4

Zikorean English Dictionary…(ZED):

Zikorean Literary terms in English created by Dr. Zik the inventor of Zik Forms (Ziket and Zinet)

Dr Zik the inventor of Zikorean Poetry from Pakistan

Zikorean Welfare Fund

Zikorean welfare Fund is used:

1: for the introductory seminars, sumposiums for the spread of Ziket and Zinet.

2: for the distribution of Awards, certificates etc.

3: for the setup of contests and quiz programs.

4: for the digital publication of books magazines, reports and paperback printing.

5: for miscellaneous programs.

Zikorean Invitation Letter…(ZIL):

An invitation letter to or from a person related to Zikorean literature is called Zikorean Invitation Letter.

Zikorean Magazine…(ZM):

A magazine related to Zikorean Literature is said to be the Zikorean Magazine.

Zikorean Journal…(ZJ):

a newspaper or magazine that deals with a particular subject or professional activity related to Zikorean Literature is said to be the Zikorean Journal.

Zikorean News…(ZN):

newly received or noteworthy information, especially about recent or important events related to Zikorean Literature is called Zikorean News.

Zikorean Newspaper…(ZNP):

a printed publication (usually issued daily or weekly) consisting of folded unstapled sheets and containing news, feature articles, advertisements, and correspondence related to Zikorean Literature is called Zikorean Newspaper.

Zikorean Bulletin…(ZB):

A short official statement or broadcast summary of news related to Zikorean Literature is called Zikorean Bulletin.

Zikorean Talks…(ZT):

Talks about Zikorean Literature are called Zikorean Talks.

Zikorean Debates…(ZD):

Debates related to Zikorean Literature are called Zikorean Debates.

Zikorean Speech…(ZS):

The expression of or the ability to express thoughts and feelings by articulate sounds related to Zikorean Literature is said to be the Zikorean Speech.

Zikorean Professor…(ZPro):

A teacher of the highest rank in a college or university for Zikorean Literature is called Zikorean Professor.

Zikorean Supervisor…(ZS):

A person who supervises a person or an activity related to Zikorean Literature is called Zikorean Supervisor.

Zikorean Research Supervisor…(ZRS):

A person who supervises a person or an activity for research purposes related to Zikorean Literature is called Zikorean Research Supervisor.

Zikorean Fund:

Zikorean Welfare Fund is also called Zikorean Fund.

Zikorean Trust;

A trust for the betterment of Zikoreans is called Zikorean Trust.

A r so Dr. Zik TV

Zikorean Logoaaaaa

Zikorean Monogram

Zikorean Interest

Zikorean Poetic Lines

Zikorean Lines

Zikorean Text

Zikorean Writings

Zikorean Prayers

Zikorean movie

Zikorean Video

Zikorean Touch

Zikorean Shades

Zikorean Taste

Zikorean Number

Zikorean Strength

Zikorean Types

Zikorean Philosophy

Zikorean Subject

Zikorean Course

Zikorean Success

It s easy to make structural analysis of free verse poetry and short poetic forms with the help of Ziket and Zinet. It is called Zikorean Success.

Zikorean Birth

Zikorean Birthday

Zikorean Awareness Program

Zikorean Symposium

Zikorean Category

Zikorean Writing Flow

Zikorean Flow

Zikorean Literary Technique

Zikorean Technique

Zikorean Writer

Zikorean Narrator
Zikorean Speaker

Zikorean Diary

Zikorean Notes

Zikorean Notebook


Zikorean Counter

Zikorean Booth

Zikorean Reception

Zikorean Songs

Zikorean Enthum

Zikorean Zest

Zikorean Spirit

Zikorean Critic

Zikorean Critique

Zikorean Analysis

Zikorean Judge

Zikorean Decesion

Zikorean Pumphalet

Zikorean Banner

Zikorean Criticism

Zikorean Column

Zikorean Essay

Zikorean Paragraph

Zikorean Map



Dr Zik from Jhelum Pakistan

Dr. Zik is the inventor of Zikorean English literature. He is a poet and the author of 4 books on Amazon, 4 dictionaries, ducationist and journalist.