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Dr Zik from Jhelum Pakistan
3 min readAug 1, 2021


A Comparative Study between the poems ‘Lines on the Antiquity of Microbes' written by Strickland William Gillilan from the United States of America and the poem 'I am a Masterpiece in the Universe' written by Dr. Zik from Jhelum Pakistan.

A Critique by Dr. Zik the inventor of Ziket and Zinet

Dr Zik the inventor of Zikorean Poetry from Pakistan
Strickland William Gillilan

Strickland William Gillilan was an American journalist, author, poet, humorist, and speaker. He is most famous for the poem The Reading Mother, which remains a popular poem on Mother’s Day. He was also recognized as the author of Lines on the Antiquity of Microbes, said to be the shortest poem ever written. but now I’ve written the shortest Ziket “I am the Masterpiece in the Universe”

which is shorter than Gillilan’s “Lines on the Antiquity of Microbes”

The Theme of the poem is to show the importance, signs, and historical occurrence of our life.
This poem is related to the short poetic form Ziket. It shows a Ziket’s color throughout the reading as:
1. A Ziket consists of two poetic lines.
2. The first line has 1 to 8 syllables
3. The second line has 1 to 5 syllables
4. The longest Ziket has a total of 13 syllables. e.g. Walt Whitman’s
5. The shortest Ziket has a total of 2 syllables;
one syllable in each poetic line.

In the poem “Lines on the Antiquity of Microbes” Strickland Gillilan has written two poetic lines in this way, the first line contains 2 syllables and the second line has also 2 syllables.

“Lines on the Antiquity of Microbes”

The poem reads in full:

Had ‘em.

Strickland W Gillilan has written this short poem unconsciously in accordance with the formation of Ziket, a shorter poetic form than Haiku as Dr. Maya Angelou did in her poem “Tears”,
John Donne in his poem “For Whom The Bell Tolls”,
And if we look far behind in past, we see the Walt Whitman who did in his famous poem “O Captain! My Captain!”:
Ziket’s Shades in the poem of Walt Whitman an American poet, and the inventor of Free Verse Poetry:
Where on the deck my Captain lies,
Fallen, cold, and dead …
(The first line contains 8 syllables out of a total of 8 ones and the second line has 5 syllables out of a total of 5 ones)

Walk the deck my Captain lies,
Fallen cold and dead
(The first line contains 7 syllables out of a total of 8 ones and the second line has 5 syllables out of a total of 5 ones)

Dr. Zik
The inventor of Ziket and Zinet
Jhelum Pakistan



Dr Zik from Jhelum Pakistan

Dr. Zik is the inventor of Zikorean English literature. He is a poet and the author of 4 books on Amazon, 4 dictionaries, ducationist and journalist.