Dr Zik from Jhelum Pakistan
1 min readOct 5, 2021


Dr Zik Zafar Iqbal Khokhar the inventor of Zikorean English Poetry from Jhelum Pakistan the land of scholars and poets formerly the land of martyres

Discussion on section 1 of guidelines given in the answer of a question, 'Who is Zikorean?'

DrZik -
We can facilitate ourselves regarding the sections described in the guidelines as an answer to the question, "Who is the Zikorean?"
According to the section 1, we can nominate millions of poets as Zikorean poets, Ziketeers, Zineteers, Zikliteers, Zinliteers, and Zeeliteers for example John Donne, John Ashbery, Robert Frost, Strickland William Gillilan,
William Butler yeats, Michael R. Burch, Dr. Maya Angelou, etc.

Jhon Donne: Research Thesis

Strickland William Gillilan: Research Thesis

William Butler yeats: Research Thesis

Michael R. Burch: Research Thesis

Dr. Maya Angelou: Research based video

Dr. Zik



Dr Zik from Jhelum Pakistan

Dr. Zik is the inventor of Zikorean English literature. He is a poet and the author of 4 books on Amazon, 4 dictionaries, ducationist and journalist.